1. For ATM Funds Transfer payments we only accept transfers from local accounts from Taiwan that are issued by financial institutions, Post offices, the credit departments of farmers' and fishermen's associations and credit cooperatives. Please confirm that your account has been set for non-designated transfer function. For ease of purchasing, make sure that your transfer limit is sufficient before booking your tickets. Please note that we will not accept bank transfers from overseas accounts.
2. After successfully booking your tickets, the system will display your unique transfer account information into which the amount needs to be transferred for this order. You can view the Bank transfer information on the Finish page with your order summary or within your tixCraft account under My Tickets. Your ATM Funds Transfer information includes the following:
(1) Bank Code: Cathay United Bank (013)
(2) Wire Transfer / Virtual Bank Account: This is a unique account number starting with 2821 or 2700, with a total length of 16 digits.
(3) Payment Deadline: The payment deadline is usually 1 hour or 2 hours after the order has been established. The payment deadline for your order will be displayed in your My Tickets. The payment time is displayed using a 24-hour clock, therefore 10:00 would mean 10 o'clock in the morning (10 AM) and 22:00 would mean 10 o'clock at night (10 PM). The payment deadline limits are event specific. Please make sure to read the Purchasing Rules of the event that you are purchasing tickets for.
(4) Total Payable: It is the total amount payable for your tickets. This amount is either the ticket price or the ticket price + ticket handling fee.
3. Please make sure to transfer the right amount (Total Payable) into the correct Wire Transfer / Virtual Bank Account for this event within the given Payment Deadline displayed for your order. Please go to your My Tickets to check whether your transfer was successful. Your Order Status will automatically be updated after the transferred amount has been verified between the system and the bank which may take 10 to 15 minutes to update. If you have exceeded the payment deadline, the virtual account number that was given will no longer exist and the order will automatically be canceled.
4. Non-Cathay Financial Cards and non-Cathay Pacific Teller Machines will automatically charge a surcharge of NT$15. (Please do not add this amount to the transfer amount indicated by the system, it will automatically be deducted by the respective bank.)
5. The transfer must be done via an ATM, web ATM, or Mobile device APP. You can choose Bank Transfer or Bill Payment on the ATM. If the total transfer amount exceeds NT$30,000, you can only choose the Bill Payment to pay. Remittances and deposits are not accepted. Please do not make your payment at the bank cashier counters and do not select the deposit function on the ATM. Please refer to the instructions of each respective bank when making your payment.
6. Orders that occur between 2 AM and 5:30 AM can only check their order status after 6 AM. This is due to banking system maintenance that occurs every day during this time.
7. By completing your order, you agree to pay the price as specified by the transaction and you also agree to follow the rules as set out for your purchase. You cannot refuse to complete the payment for any reason. If you need a refund, please follow the refund rules of the event that you are purchasing tickets for. Head over to Refund Policy to learn more.